Deputy Director, Center for Catalysis and Separation,
Associate Professor Chemistry, Khalifa University
Ahsan earned his PhD from Chonbuk National University, South Korea, and completed post-doctoral work at Toyama University, Toyama, Japan under the Venture Business Laboratory (VBL) program. He joined King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia as Assistant Professor of Chemistry in 2010. In 2016, he was promoted to Associate Professor. He joined as Associate Professor of Chemistry at Khalifa University in 2019. Undergraduate, M.S. and PhD students have been supervised and co-supervised in strategically important research areas. His main research interests are the development of new materials, novel methods for the production of materials for clean energy generation and storage, catalysis, sensors and biomedical applications. He is subject editor/editorial board member for the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Sabbatical), Materials Research Bulletin and Scientific Reports.